Currently, 215,724 beneficiaries are enrolled in a Delaware Medicare program. This guide will discuss different Medicare and supplemental plans available. Additionally, this guide will discuss various resources available for Delaware residents.

Medicare in Delaware: Facts & Figures

  • Total beneficiaries enrolled in Part A Medicare: 173,690
  • Total aged beneficiaries enrolled in Part A Medicare: 152,690
  • Total disabled beneficiaries enrolled in Part A Medicare: 21,000
  • Total beneficiaries enrolled in Part B Medicare: 159,270
  • Total aged beneficiaries enrolled in Part B Medicare: 140,640
  • Total disabled beneficiaries enrolled in Part A Medicare: 18,630
  • Total beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan: 40,890
  • Total beneficiaries enrolled in a stand-alone Part D Plan: 154,850

Medicare Costs in Delaware for 2023

Part A Delaware Medicare covers home healthcare, skilled nursing facility care, inpatient care inside a hospital, and hospice care. Meanwhile, Part B helps to cover outpatient care and other services from doctors.

Part A medical care annual deductible for $1,632 for most basic services and $240 for Part B coverage.

Medicare Part A Costs in 2023 Medicare Part B Costs in 2023
  • Part A is premium-free for most
  • Part A deductible is $1,600 per benefit period
  • Inpatient hospital stay days 61-90 is $400
  • The standard Part B premium is $164.90
  • The annual deductible for Part B is $226
  • Medicare pays 80%, you pay 20% out-of-pocket

Original Medicare Coverage

The total number of disabled beneficiaries enrolled in Part A and Part B Medicare is 18,628. The total number of aged beneficiaries enrolled in Part A and Part B is 139,863.

Coverage for both Part A and Part B Delaware, Medicare is the same no matter what part of the state you live in.

Medicare Part A (Hospital Coverage)

  • Inpatient care in hospitals
  • Skilled nursing facility care
  • Hospice care
  • Home health care
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)

  • Services from doctors and health providers
  • Outpatient care
  • Home health care
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Some preventive services

Supplemental Medicare Plans in Delaware

Delaware residents have a few choices for supplementing their Original Medicare: Medigap, Medicare Advantage, and stand-alone Part D plans.

Medigap or Medicare Supplement plans work alongside Medicare Part A and B to reduce healthcare costs. Medigap plans help cover the caps left behind by Original Medicare to give beneficiaries improved coverage.

Medicare Advantage plans are also known as Part C of Medicare. By enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan, you receive your Part A and B benefits from a private insurance provider rather than the federal government. Although these benefits are the same, Medicare Advantage plans also offer additional benefits, including dental, vision, hearing, and sometimes drug coverage.

Part D plans act as stand-alone plans that cover prescriptions. No Medigap plans cover drugs, and only some Medicare Advantage plans do. Part D is the fourth part of Medicare that covers your prescription drug costs.

Delaware Medicare Resources

Navigating what Medigap plans to purchase for supplementing your Delaware Medicare is sometimes challenging. To make this process easier, some resources do exist:

  • Delaware Medicare Assistance Bureau: This excellent resource provides insurance counseling free of charge. The main goal of the Delaware Medicare Assistance Bureau is to help people better understand their Medicare, Medigap, and Medicaid options.
  • Medicaid: First signed into law in 1965, Medicaid assists patients by providing comprehensive Medicare to residents who need financial help. To qualify for Medicaid, you need to fall under a certain income level.
  • Delaware Healthy Children Program: For uninsured children, the Delaware Healthy Children Program offers comprehensive coverage similar to healthcare provided by private insurance companies. Children under 19 that meet a certain financial threshold are eligible.
  • The State Insurance Department: Delaware residents may also learn about their Medicare options and discover how to sign up for plans by contacting their State Insurance Department.
  • US Department of Veterans Affairs: The US Department of Veterans Affairs can help answer questions if you’re a veteran receiving veteran healthcare benefits.

Our team is the resource to turn to when you want to enroll in a supplemental Medigap plan. Our free service helps pair you with the right plan that makes the most sense for you, your budget, and your medical needs.

Delaware Cities with Medigap Coverage Estimated Premiums

For the following cities, we’ve prepared helpful illustrative charts to give you an idea of what Medigap premiums could cost:


How do I enroll in traditional Medicare in Delaware?

Many Delaware residents receive traditional Medicare Part A and Part B automatically shortly after turning 65.

However, other residents may need to call or sign up during the Open Enrollment Period. This is often the case when you have a qualifying disability.

Does Original Medicare have copays in Delaware?

For Original Medicare, patients typically don’t owe a copay for Part A and Part B coverage, but they might owe a coinsurance payment.

Other payments include monthly premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses not covered under your Original Medicare plan.

Does Medicare come out of your Social Security check in Delaware?

Residents receiving Social Security or disability benefits may have Medicare premiums automatically deducted from their Social Security or disability check.

Part B premiums are automatically deducted, while patients may also opt to deduct their Part C and D premiums.

What does Medicare Part A cover in Delaware?

Part A Medicare covers the following expenses in Delaware:

Does Medicare Part A cover 100 percent in Delaware?

While Medicare Part A goes a long way in covering Medicare expenses in Delaware, it’s not comprehensive.

Dental, long-term care, cosmetic surgeries, vision, hearing, prescriptions, etc., are examples of what Part A and B don’t cover.

How to Sign Up for Supplemental Medicare in Delaware

Original Medicare Part A and Part B only cover so much, and to avoid costly out-of-pocket expenses, Delaware residents should sign up for supplemental Medicare. However, finding the right one is challenging.

Calling our team is your best bet to make the overall process more accessible. Our free service will help pair you with the right supplemental plan that fits your medical needs and budget. We work with all carriers, and our friendly team members strive to offer the best service possible.

To discover how we can help, fill out our online rate form to be connected with rates or call us today.

Written By:
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Lindsay Malzone, Lindsay Malzone is the Medicare editor for She's been contributing to many well-known publications since 2017. Her passion is educating Medicare beneficiaries on all their supplemental Medicare options so they can make an informed decision on their healthcare coverage.
Reviewed By:
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Rodolfo Marrero, Rodolfo Marrero is one of the co-founders at He has been helping consumers find the right coverage since the site was founded in 2013. Rodolfo is a licensed insurance agent that works hand-in-hand with the team to ensure the accuracy of the content.