Hilo, Hawaii Medicare provides health insurance to people 65 and older. In Hilo, Hawaii, residents can enroll in various Supplemental plans to reduce their Original Medicare costs.

Medicare plans in Hilo, Hawaii

Enrolling in a supplemental Medicare plan allows you to get coverage for out-of-pocket medical expenses. Residents in Hilo, Hawaii, can choose from Medigap, Medicare Advantage, and Part D plans.

The quotes below use a 65-year-old male beneficiary as their basis.

Medicare Advantage plans

Medicare Advantage plans provide many benefits while allowing enrollees to receive their Part A and B benefits from a private insurance provider rather than the government. Some plans offer extra services such as vision, dental, and hearing benefits. Hilo has 9 Medicare Advantage plans available.

Wellcare offers two types of plans: HMO and PPO. Both programs have zero-dollar monthly premiums. The HMO plan has a maximum out-of-pocket (MOOP) limit of $6,700, and the PPO plan has a MOOP of $7,550.

HMSA Akamai has two Local PPO plans with different premiums. One program has a monthly premium of $40 with a MOOP limit of $6,700. The other costs $167 per month with a MOOP of $3,450.

Kaiser Permanente (HMO) has the highest monthly premiums at $190. These plans have a MOOP of $5,100 and a five-star rating.

The average cost of Medicare Advantage plans in Hilo, Hawaii

PLAN PREMIUM MOOP Plan Type Star Rating
Wellcare $0 $6,700 HMO 3
Wellcare $0 $7,550 LOCAL PPO 3
HMSA Akamai $40.00 $6,700 LOCAL PPO 4
HMSA Akamai $167.00 $3,450 LOCAL PPO 4
Kaiser Permanente $190.00 $5,100 HMO 5

Medicare Supplement plans

The Hilo, Hawaii Medigap plans pay for costs not covered by Original Medicare. All plans have government standardization to ensure that the benefits remain the same nationwide. In most cases, the monthly premiums can change depending on the location and carrier.

Plan G provides coverage for all costs except the Part B deductible. Plan premiums range from $109.65 to $368.17. Medigap Plan HDG premiums range from $35.50 to $45.56; however, it has a higher annual deductible.

Medigap Plan F has the lowest out-of-pocket expenses and covers 100% of Medicare expenses. Plan F enrollees pay no deductibles, and the plan premiums range from $150.56 to $412.37 monthly.

Medigap Plan HDF best suits people who have low medical expenses. The plan has low premiums with high deductibles. Plan HDF premiums range from $35.50 to $49.66 per month.

Medigap Plan N pays for 20% of Medicare Part B coinsurance. The plan costs range from $89.36 to $212.12. Plan N members pay a $20 copay fee for doctor visits and $50 for emergency care.

The average cost of Medicare Supplement plans in Hilo, Hawaii

PLAN A $95.83 $316.75
PLAN B $126.52 $329.87
PLAN C $149.70 $389.87
PLAN D $117.39 $285.27
PLAN F $150.56 $412.37
PLAN HDF $35.50 $49.66
PLAN G $109.65 $368.17
PLAN HDG $35.50 $45.56
PLAN K $47.28 $113.50
PLAN L $83.77 $218.87
PLAN M $103.14 $209.97
PLAN N $89.36 $212.12

Medicare Part D prescription drug plans

Medicare Part D provides coverage for prescription medications. Medigap plans don’t offer Part D coverage. Medicare beneficiaries can enroll in standalone Part D plans or find a Medicare Advantage plan that includes drug coverage.

Aetna has the cheapest plan with a premium of $7.80, a $480 deductible, and a three-star rating.

The Wellcare plan costs $8.50 monthly with a $480 deductible and a three-star rating.

Lastly, plan has a premium of $10.40 with a $310 deductible and a four-star rating.

The average cost of Medicare Part D plans in Hilo, Hawaii

Aetna $7.80 $480 3
Wellcare $8.50 $480 3
$10.40 $310 4
Clear Spring $16.70 $480 2
Humana $22.70 $480 4

pSpecial Needs plans

Hilo, Hawaii Medicare Special Needs Plans (SNPs) fall under the umbrella of Medicare Advantage plans. People with chronic disabilities and certain diseases can enroll in SNPs. However, not all areas and states offer these plans.

The UnitedHealthcare (PPO) plan has dual eligibility with a MOOP of $7,550 and zero monthly premiums.

HMSA Akamai’s PPO plan has a MOOP of $6,700 and zero monthly premiums. The plan also has dual eligibility, meaning beneficiaries with both Medicare and Medicaid qualify for enrollment.

Lastly, AlohaCare’s HMO plan has a $32.70 monthly premium with a MOOP of $7,550 and dual eligibility.

The average cost of Medicare Special Needs plans in Hilo, Hawaii

PLAN PREMIUM MOOP Plan Type Eligibility
Wellcare $0 $3,450 HMO Dual
$0 $7,550 REGIONAL PPO Dual
HMSA Akamai $0 $6,700 LOCAL PPO Dual
$0 $7,550 LOCAL PPO Dual
AlohaCare $32.70 $7,550 HMO Dual

How to sign up for Medicare plans in Hilo

Our experienced agents can help you enroll in Hilo, Hawaii Medicare Advantage, Medigap, or Part D plans. We compare multiple plans from different carriers to find the best one for you.

The agents you’ll interact with are incredibly knowledgeable, and their time is free for anyone who requires it.

Call us today or fill out our online rate form to be connected with the best rates in Hilo.

Written By:
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Lindsay Malzone, Lindsay Malzone is the Medicare editor for Medigap.com. She's been contributing to many well-known publications since 2017. Her passion is educating Medicare beneficiaries on all their supplemental Medicare options so they can make an informed decision on their healthcare coverage.
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Rodolfo Marrero, Rodolfo Marrero is one of the co-founders at Medigap.com. He has been helping consumers find the right coverage since the site was founded in 2013. Rodolfo is a licensed insurance agent that works hand-in-hand with the team to ensure the accuracy of the content.